Member-only story
Before you jump in I want to notate that this is specific to SonarQube as SonarCloud works out of the box with very little adjustments.
Create SonarQube Project
First step would be to create a project for your repository in SonarQube. It’s a very simple process and there is a wizard that will walk you through it. Currently there are a few integration options for Azure DevOps, Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab or manually. During this process you should also be taken to a screen to authenticate into your SCM of choice. Keep track of any tokens you create as you will need that later in the process.
- Admin access to SonarQube or the project
- Admin access on your GitHub repository
While it is easier to configure your project through the SonarQube UI, I recommend doing it through a configuration file included within your repo so that you’re able to have it version controlled.
The configuration file for SonarQube should live in the root directory and be named
. I had a hard time finding a sample of what it should look like so I included one below. Please read through it and update all configurations to meet your projects…